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Strange QUOTES - Cowardice & Criticism
Pacifism is simply undisguised cowardice. - unknown
The coward threatens when he is safe.- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
They have vilified me, they have crucified me. Yes, they have even criticized me.- Richard J. Daley
People can be divided into two classes: those who go ahead and do something, and those who sit still and inquire, 'Why wasn't it done the other way?' - Oliver Wendell Holmes
To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. - Elbert Hubbard
Today's Featured Humor : -) - 10 Reasons NOT to Jog
1. My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 now & we don't know where the heck she is.
2. The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.
3. I joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to show up.
4. I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing.
5. I don't exercise at all. If God meant us to touch our toes, he would have put them further up our body.
6. I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
7. I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.
8. The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.
9. If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country.
10. I don't jog. It makes the ice jump right out of my glass. Except when I run with a cosmopolitan!
Most Popular - Parody - News - Pix
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STRANGE ST. PATRICK'S DAY COSTUMES - IRISH GREEN - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/146098.html
1940 FORD PICKUP TRUCK - FRONT - http://www.strangevehicles.com/content/item/146102.html
STRANGE ROCK PORTAL AND WALKWAY - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/146103.html
STRANGE PLAYHOUSE - THIS WILL MESS UP YOUR CHILDHOOD! - http://www.strangefunkidz.com/content/item/146104.html
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STRANGE CHIPMUNK SCHOOL - PENMANSHIP LESSONS! - http://www.strangezoo.com/content/item/146112.html
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STRANGE POPE BENEDICT 'BEER' ! - http://www.strangepolice.com/content/item/146045.html
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STRANGE POLICEWOMEN AROUND THE WORLD - IRAN - 1 - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/145792.html
STRANGE ICE BERGS AND ICE MASSES - STRIPES! - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/146050.html
WARY CRANE WATCHES ALLIGATORS LOOKING FOR LUNCH! - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/146052.html
The Top News Articles & Humor for the Week
Lost Lingo - Fender Skirts? - http://www.strangesports.com/content/item/100225.html
Top 50 OXYMORON'S - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/24844.html
Test for Dementia - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/25157.html
Strange Anagrams - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/25198.html
Playing Wyth Wurds - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/25221.html
Strange Riddles - http://www.strangezoo.com/content/item/25434.html
The Featured Humor Category This Week - Cities - States & Regions of the USA
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Cops - Police - Criminals - Felons - http://www.strangepolice.com/
Weird and Goofy People - http://www.strangepersons.com/
All Your Favorite Folks- http://www.strangecelebrities.com/
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Pets - Dogs - Cats - Wild Animals http://www.strangezoo.com/
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Hurricanes - Lightning – Tsunami's - Dangers - Crashes http://www.strangedangers.com/
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