Freitag, 18. Februar 2011

[b3ta] "B3ta newsletter - the bits of the web that aren't Justin fucking Bieber"


This Week:
* STUTTER - The King's Rap
* DRUNK - Toddler rampage
* SICKBAG - Royal wedding souvenir

________  ____ __  ___
____/  _)|_  // /_/ _ |    "We're dobbing you     
___/  _ |/_ </ __/ __ |    in to the
__/____/____/\__/_/ |_|    social... together"

B3ta email 467 - 18 Feb 2011

Read this issue. Go on, you shit!


 Knob Creek whiskey

 Piss. We haven't sold an ad therefore we're
going to linky up some shit on Amazon. This
week's lucky product we're picking because it
has a silly name, although, truth be told, booze
makes our knob leak more than creak.

 >> Sponsor B3ta <<
 Don't be a twat, buy an ad. (tm)


 Vintage pics, Horses, Choices, Kettling and The King's Speech
 >> Historic StreetView <<
"Way back in an April 2010 newsletter, you said
you'd like to see a world-wide google map of
vintage photography," accuses Adam. "We've
tried to build that, with fading transitions
from 'then' to 'now' in StreetView. It's mostly
US-centric, apart from a handful of shots in
the UK, but we'd love for that to change!"

 >> Unexpected horse <<
"We were on the flea market buying compact
cassettes when a horse showed up from nowhere,"
exclaims kingafkong. "Luckily we had our trusty
baking tray with us. We saved the day." Good
comic timing.

 >> It's not a game, it's a toy <<
 Mental little multiple choice thing made by
theBaboon. "Enjoy!" he hoots.

 >> Kettling game <<
"I made a game about being kettled for when
you're being kettled," explains
Tarka_the_Frotter. "It's called... Metakettle."
Looks like it might genuinely be fun to play on
a long, dull weekend penned in by the fuzz.

 >> The King's Rap <<
Dan Bull deftly leaps on the King's Speech
bandwagon, sadly just a little too late to win
a BAFTA for best rap-related film tie-in. "I
spent Valentine's Day making this," confesses
Dan. "Yes, amazingly, I am single."


 Little Victories

 Last week we asked for the pathetically tiny
 victories that you'd achieved. The more
 pathetically tiny the better. And these are so
 wonderfully pathetic:

 * HOLES - "A while ago, the people who make
   Polo mints brought out "Polo Holes", which
   were supposedly the bits that were stamped
   out of the middle. I was a schoolboy at the
   time and my English homework was to write a
   letter of complaint. I chose to complain about
   Polo Holes as the definition of a hole is a
   cavity; nothingness so by that measure the
   packet should be empty. How disappointed I was
   to find these white things in the packet. I
   promised not to take the case to trading
   standards if they sent me a years supply.
   Genius. Well-written letter, no harm done.
   Except teacher decided to mail it. Several
   days pass and I receive an unexpected parcel
   at home. Inside was a wholesale packet of
   polo tubes with one noticeable difference:
   all the packets were empty. Yes, EMPTY! The
   enclosed letter explained. We are sorry for
   your disappointment - we'd hate to fall below
   your expectations again, so we've enclosed a
   sizable supply of your definition of 'holes'.
   Don't eat them all at once!"
 * DRAG RACE - "In the days of yuppies and affordable
   petrol, before anyone had ever heard of global
   warming, I used to drive a clapped-out Jaguar
   XJS; something a bit classier than the usual
   loutish Essex boy racer cars of my contemporaries.
   At about 3am I'm driving home from London after
   a long night at work, and I pull up at a set of
   lights on the outskirts of Romford. There are
   three lanes, me in the middle and, on my left,
   a proper Essex wide boy in a silver Porsche 911.
   He starts revving like mad, inching forward in
   stops and starts, and shouting something at me.
   I look over to my right, where there are two
   young-ish blokes in a fairly fast-looking Ford
   Sierra. With a tip of my head, I indicate the
   Porsche driver and, with a barely perceptible
   nod, the passenger shows he understands perfectly.
   A few tense, adrenaline-filed moments pass before
   the light goes amber. Either side of me, I hear
   squeals whilst I sit there until the green and
   gently waft off into the night to the strains
   of the BBC World Service. The Porsche spins its
   wheels and heads for the horizon at an insane pace.
   The Sierra also waits a moment for the passenger
   to briefly tip his hat to me, before it too zooms
   into the night with as much zest and urgency as
   the Porsche, but with slightly more blue flashing
   lights on top."
 * DRUG BUST - "I'm 19. I have long hair. I am
   flouncing down the street in Kingston Upon
   Thames. It is 1992. I have a cold. I blow my
   nose and put the snotty hankie in my pocket
   just as I turn a corner. A police van full of
   Met coppers are watching me. As I pass the
   van, one says, 'Oi! Hippy... What did you
   just put in your pocket?' 'A snot rag,' I reply.
   'Empty your pockets.' I do. I hand him my
   very full snot rag. He opens it up, obviously
   hoping to find a kilo of cocaine. It's all my
   green snot. He tries to hand it me back. I
   say, 'I don't want it!' and walk off. All his
   copper mates are howling at him as he's left
   with a handful of my warm wet bogey-juice. My
   finest hour."

 >> This Week: Wanking Disasters Part II <<
 We'd like more of your stories of jerking the
 gherkin and double-clicking the mouse. Talk to
 us here, you tossers:


 Stuff we like that wasn't made by our mates

 >> People then and now photos <<
A photo-meme that's been around on the web for
a  while now, is getting adults to recreate
their  childhood photos and showing them side
by side.  We blame ZeFrank, who runs
youngmenowme, but  artist Irina Werning is
taking the idea and  running with it. Her
attention to detail is  accurate to the point
of autism and the photos  are all the more
stunning for it.

 >> Royal Wedding Sickbag <<
 Hey, poor people! Don't worry about the
 government cuts and the potentially savings-
 destroying inflation! Wave your flags because
 some rich people are getting married!
 Thankfully a sickbag is at hand. We're going to
 need several, although mostly to wipe ourselves
 off after googling for Kate Middleton upskirt

 >> Bollards of London <<
 We like street furniture, it's oddly
 fascinating. Thankfully there's people outthere
 who share our love. Although don't tell our
 friends, as this is pretty much one step up
 from bus spotting.

 >> Sexy Pigeons <<
 Coo! Red-blooded bird fanciers will be flocking
 to this site. Pigeon chested you say? Oh yes...

 >> Ninja zombie times tables <<
 You know those moments when you find yourself
 wondering just how awesome an Abraham
 Lincoln/Platypus crossbreed would be? Well
 wonder no more with the handy Times Table of
 Awesomeness! Ideal thing to print out to give
 your kids nightmares.

 >> I'm Brian Partridge - Aha! <<
 Remember when text-to-speech software made all
 your documents sound like they were being read
 by Prof Stephen Hawking or his sister? Polish
 developers Ivona have now created a whole new
 range of voices for your listening pleasure -
 particularly Brian, who sounds uncannily like
 Linton Travel Tavern's most famous guest. And
 is it just us, or could Jan from Poland be the
 dwarf from Twin Peaks?


Stuff that wobbles about on the screen

 >> Peter Wyngarde's Rape song <<
 Wyngarde is best known for two things. 1)
 playing the character Jason King on some 70s TV
 show and 2) being arrested and convicted for an
 act of "gross indecency" in the toilets of
 Gloucester bus station. Let's make him famous
 for a third thing - singing a racist song about
 rape. Quite how anyone thought this was fit to
 release is beyond us.

 >> B3ta *hearts* Brett Domino <<
 Brett Domino is making a bit of a name for
 himself: a TV appearances on Britain's Got
 Talent; a recent chart placement at #29 for his
 song about Ben Goldacre's Girlfriend Gillian
 McKeith; and we're happy to see that, with all
 the attention he's getting, he's not forgotten
 his youtubey roots. This loving version of
 Prince's I Feel For You is a tribute to the
 wonderful keyboard sounds of the 80s. And the
 studied comedy with the red rose is perfect.

 >> Paint is pretty <<
 Simple yet so effective art created by pouring
 paint onto a plinth. Jacksons Pollock is
 kicking himself for not thinking of it. If he
 was still alive. He's probably in painter
 heaven shouting "POLLOCKS!"

 >> Dig deep: drama student's dirty protest <<
 "Please," begs Brent, who sent in this clip,
 "will someone come up with something that will
 get this out of my memory?" It's hard to say
 what's most disturbing about this short
 'documentary': the woman's very public scratch
 'n' sniff work, the nibbling that follows
 TWICE, or the fact that she carries on
 regardless, despite looking directly at the
 camera phone. Definitely enhanced by the
 stunned laughter of the guy in the foreground.

 >> Drunk toddler vs. puppets <<
 Trudi Tilley and Kate Pearson both
 mailed us this awesome vid of a baby getting
 shitfaced in a restaurant, eating the other
 diners' food, coughing bits of sausage up over
 strangers and then tearing up the joint. Tough
 to imagine how the full 14-minute movie will
 manage to top this trailer for Las Palmas, a
 Scandinavian short film due to be released
 later this year, but we're fairly sure the
 hangover shits scene won't be pretty.

 >> 2,564 frames per second <<
 "Some new camera called the Phantom Flex,"
 writes combatcameraman, "capable of 1080p at
 2,800fps. Quite impressive." Certainly is,
 although if we were bored in a Vegas hotel
 room, we might have done more than turn taps on
 and off. Then again, given that the day rental
 rate for this baby is $3,000 and the buying
 price ranges from $50,000-$150,000, it might be
 too risky to expose it to the elements. "Now I
 just need to rob a bank and post you all some
 slow-mo kittens."


 Trawling the internet for rude bit. Again.

 * TWANG YOUR G-STRING - Germans love rocking
 out with mullets, but they need guitars first.
 Thanks for this, Guitar Dude. What's inside the
 hole in the middle?

 * SPUNKING UP A DULL BUSINESS - being an estate
 agent will never be exciting, unless you get to
 answer the phone 'Hotblack Dixon.'  "I noticed
 the sign emblazoned across a shop front in
 bloody Hampstead of all places," spurts
 Bathory. It even feels nice to say.  

 * RED HOT BUSH -  A hand-clappingly good cock
 drawing here – it's even going into something
 resembling a splayed arsehole. "This struck me
 as a particularly good phallic logo, especially
 when combined with the name." Thanks
 Banjo-Jeff, you've just taken away everything
 that is pure and innocent about Lily Cole's
 favourite tea.

 * CROUTONS, SIR? - Peej spotted a sneaky goatse
 on the back of his Cup-A-Soup pack. Good work,
 Batchelor's. No comment as to whether they
 taste like they've been made in an arse,


 Find the star

Discovering stars need not be a TV shit-fest
like X factor. This week's game involves you
finding them in a series of clever puzzles, and
not a trace of Simon Cowell.


 Winners get in touch with this chap!
 Dr Terry Moore writes, "Very many thanks for
 running this challenge. The quality and number
 entries were astounding, which made it all the
 more difficult to select winners. The overall
 winner with the main logo was 'Happy Toast'
 with entry 10325884, winning a framed photo and
 a year's adoption of one of our cats.
 "A more formal logo used on badges and stickers
 etc was entry 10324048 by Puromycin who wins a
 year's membership and a framed photo.

 "A special logo for children's section was entry
 10329710 by Q4nobody (version number 4) winning
 a year's membership and a copy of Super Dave's

 "Others may certainly lead to the basis of
 things like bumper stickers etc and in these
 cases I will contact the designers to offer
 free membership for a year.

 "Please arrange for winners to contact me at
 cattrust AT aol DOT com to organize delivery of

 "Once again many thanks for your assistance and
 we would be pleased to show you round to see
 the cats whenever you are in the vicinity of


 Results from the Tourism Challenge

 Last week we wanted you to promote Britain
 Your favourites included:

 * SWEARY - misunderstanding of challenge
   leads to spectacularly rude results

 * YANKS - compare and contrast the old
   country with the new, and come to
   Blighty (moon monkey)

 * YANKS II - more baiting of our trans-
   Atlantic neighbours and their appalling
   lack of history (benito vaselini)

   All these images, and the highest as
   voted by you can be found here:

 >> New challenge: Film Aftermath <<
 The movie ends and the credits roll, but
 what happens to the world and its
 characters after the films we all know
 end? Challenge suggested by Zak McFlimby


 The bits that don't quite fit else where

NUTELLA AND CREAM PIE!" exclaims 90Nz0, who
wants your BMI to be the exact same number as
your life expectancy. Jesus Christ, and it bears
an uncanny resemblance to Robert Kilroy Silk.
 * MORE TEALY GAME - freakyzoid writes, "Thanks
 for featuring my game Tealy & Orangey in the
 newsletter. Bloody loads of people read it,
 judging by the number that popped by to my site
 (but you probably know that already). Anyway,
 there's a new version of the game available
 now, and I thought some people might be
 interested again. It has 10 new levels, and
 even rock harder Advanced mode, and a practice
 mode where you can replay any level."

 * SEND LATER EMAILS - we got lots of messages
 about this, most of them suggesting to either
 use Outlook (yuck) or a plug-in for Thunderbird
 called send-later. Or dial-up. We run a gmail
 house here; c'mon Google sort this out.

 DaveExclamationMark writes, "Just under 2 weeks
 now to the cut-off point for Albumhole 2.. I've
 had some cracking submissions so far. It's
 looking awesome."

 Including Londoninflames who writes, "Reading
 your latest missive I note that your piece on
 alcohol almost manages to advocate GHB and GBL
 usage as a hangover-free way to achieve the
 same end, sadly made illegal by our government.
 I feel that I must warn your readers who may
 be compelled to track down some of this
 substance that it is significantly more
 addictive than alcohol (or cocaine for that
 matter), and once you're addicted withdrawal
 can only be managed medically and results in
 ghastly hallucinations, fits, and occasionally
 fatalities or severe mental health breakdowns.
 I should know, as I am a recovering addict
 myself and nearly died last year during
 withdrawals. Word to the wise, is all."

 * HANGOVER ADVICE - also Da' Vane who writes,
 "The effects of a hangover can easily be
 mitigated by understanding that alcohol is a
 diuretic, and the effects that this has on your
 body. After drinking, make sure you keep your
 fluids and salt up to compensate for the
 effects of dehydration that occur afterwards,
 especially before you pass out, and you will
 never have a hangover again."



 Make something cool and tell us about it. If
 you are in it then people will see your stuff.

 This week we asked on Twitter what you'd like
 to see and you said:
 * "iPhone app that Google's incoming numbers and
 gives you odd facts to surprise callers with."

 * "An actually decent Nokia/Windows phone." Not
 very likely is it? (@alexjblandford)

 * "A countdown website ticking off MPs who
 voted for war in Iraq leaving office - when all
 gone we can try trusting again."

 Send contributions via the mail form.

 BTW: If you've sent something in that hasn't
 been featured then don't be put off - we look
 at everything you send us.


Civil partnership:
Civil partnership termination:


This issue was written by Rob Manuel and  David
Stevenson with additional worditude from
Warneford / @JudgeySan (wonderful work),
lostlooking (thumbs up), RadioVicky (thanks!)
Ian Parsonson, Ian Williams, Chris Elwood,
Craig English, @somegreybloke and @joeloverton.
 Stuff sent in by @Zuowan, @cgalla2008,
@ZombieDoris, @hoochalobster, Edward Evans,
Herb Alperts Taxi Driver, Oysdgp, @mattround,
Michael Ellis, Mattle, dug/frag  Top Tippery by
A Vagabond.  Additional linkage and image
challenge by  Fraser Lewry.  Mike Trinder is
QOTW bloke. Subjlols via Damocles.

Do an impression of your mum by patting the back
of your hand and trying to bite your left ear.

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