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Are you ready to review the Best Humor, Coolest Pix and Political Parody on the Internet?
Get ready to jump into something "Strange!"
Strange "Sports" Quotes:
Some people think football is a matter of life and death…I can assure them it is much more serious than that. (Bill Shankly)
Winning isn't everything - it's the only thing. (Vince Lombardi)
Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, and disregard of all the rules. (George Orwell)
Serious sport is war minus the shooting. (George Orwell)
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. (Emo Philips)
Remember, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose. (Darrin Weinberg)
Modern rugby players like to get their retaliation in first. (Kim Fletcher)
Today's Featured Humor : -) - You might be in Education if..
1. You believe the staff room should be equipped with a Valium salt lick.
2. You find humor in other people's stupidity.
3. You believe "shallow gene pool" should have it's own box on the report card.
4. When out in public, you feel the urge to snap your fingers at a child you do not know and correct their behavior.
5. When you mention "vegetables" you're not talking about a food group.
6. You think people should be required to get a government permit to reproduce.
7. You laugh uncontrollably when people refer to the staff room as the "lounge".
8. You believe in aerial spraying of Prozac.
9. You can't have children because there's no name you could give a child that wouldn't bring on high blood pressure the moment you heard it uttered.
10. You think caffeine should be available to staff in IV form.
11. You want to choke a person who says, "Oh, you must have such fun every day. This must be like playtime for you."
12. Meeting a child's parents instantly answers the question, "Why is this kid like this?"
Most Popular - Parody - News - Pix
K-141 KURSK - RUSSIAN SUBMARINE SUNK 8-12-00 - 949A TYPE - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/147971.html
STRANGE DRINKING SECRETS REVEALED! - THAT'S HOW TEQUILA WORKS! - http://www.strangemilitary.com/content/item/148076.html
STRANGE CHRISTIAN PRODUCTS & SIGNS - BREATH SPRAY! - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/147109.html
STRANGE BUSINESS BILLBOARDS & SIGNS - PLAYBOY 'COVER GIRL' BEACH TOWEL - http://www.strangevehicles.com/content/item/147786.html
STRANGE SEA CREATURES - SEA HORSE - http://www.strangedangers.com/content/item/147976.html
SOPHIA LOREN WITH JAYNE MANSFIELD AT DINNER - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/148012.html
WHY WOULD HORSE FACE SARAH JESSICA PARKER WEAR "HOOVES?" - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/147662.html
SNOW FUN - HOUSE WITH ICEBERGS FLOATING BY - http://www.strangefunkidz.com/content/item/147997.html
STRANGE ANIMATIONS - BASKETBALL HOOP FLIP! - http://www.strangesports.com/content/item/148013.html
BUFFALO BILL CODY - FAMOUS INDIAN SCOUT & ENTERTAINER - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/147940.html
STRANGE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES - KISSING BOOTH! - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/148026.html
STRANGE TATTOOS & BODY SHAPING - PUFFY FOREHEAD - http://www.strangepolice.com/content/item/148037.html
STRANGE & RADICAL PRIVATE AIRPLANE DESIGNS - CONNECTED TAIL JET - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/147082.html
DEER HUNTING TEXAS STYLE - CUSTOM HUNTING VEHICLE - TOP DOWN VIEW - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/147955.html
STRANGE MISSPELLED TATTOOS! - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/148028.html
STRANGE EQUIPMENT - BBQ SWORD - W/ MASK - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/148041.html
STRANGE HORSE SHOWS - LIPPAZZONER STALLIONS - http://www.strangezoo.com/content/item/148050.html
OLD TV SERIES - FAMILY & MONKEY DRIVE FUTURE VEHICLE ACROSS USA - http://www.strangedangers.com/content/item/148077.html
The Featured Pix Category This Week - Strange Sports Fans & Crazy Outfits
The Top News Articles & Humor for the Week
Strange Facts About Everyday Bodily Functions - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/147893.html
Strange Golfing Quotes - http://www.strangesports.com/content/item/147939.html
Strange Dead Celebrity Epitaphs - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/138819.html
Strange But True Facts About Sharks - http://www.strangezoo.com/content/item/139934.html
Top 10 Not So Strange Baby Names - 1950 & 2007 - http://www.strangezoo.com/content/item/140215.html
20 Strange Facts You Didn't Know About Pigeons - http://www.strangesports.com/content/item/141634.html
The Featured Humor Category This Week - Strange Jokes
Be Sure to Check Out All of the Recent New Additions at the "Strange" Family Websites
Travel - Cruises - Destinations - http://www.strangetravel.com/
Kids - Teens - Moms - Parents - http://www.strangefunkidz.com/
Bad Bosses - Employees - Ads - http://www.strangebusiness.com/
Cops - Police - Criminals - Felons - http://www.strangepolice.com/
Weird and Goofy People - http://www.strangepersons.com/
All Your Favorite Folks- http://www.strangecelebrities.com/
Autos - Trucks - Nasty Accidents http://www.strangevehicles.com/
Hockey - Football - Soccer http://www.strangesports.com/
Troops - Jets - Warships - Tanks http://www.strangemilitary.com/
Pets - Dogs - Cats - Wild Animals http://www.strangezoo.com/
Politicians - Parodies - Liberals - NeoCons http://www.strangepolitics.com/
Hurricanes - Lightning – Tsunami's - Dangers - Crashes http://www.strangedangers.com/
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