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Are you ready to review the Best Humor, Coolest Pix and Political Parody on the Internet?
Get ready to jump into something "Strange!"
Strange Quotes: Famous Curses!
May your every wish be granted. - Ancient Chinese Curse
May your left ear wither and fall into your right pocket. - Arab Curse
May those that love us, love us;
and to those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts;
and if He doesn't turn their hearts,
may He turn their ankles
so we'll know them by their limping.
- - - Old Irish Toast
May you wander over the face of the earth forever, never sleep twice in the same bed, never drink water twice from the same well, and never cross the same river twice in a year. - Traditional Gypsy Curse
Today's Featured Humor : -) - Creative Comeback Lines for the Office
1. Obviously you're unable to assimilate my stimulating concepts into your blighted and simplistic world-view.
2. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
3. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
4. I can see your point, but I still think you're full of it.
5. I like you. You remind me of me when I was young and stupid.
6. What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?!?
7. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.
8. I'll give you a nice, shiny quarter if you'll go away.
9. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
10. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
11. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.
12. Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
13. How about never? Is never good for you?
14. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.
15. You sound reasonable. It must be time to up my medication.
16. You're just jealous because the little voices talk to ME.
17. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
18. I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...
19. I don't work here. I'm a consultant.
20. Who me? I just wander from room to room.
Most Popular - Parody - News - Pix
STRANGE AIR FORCE EXPERIMENTAL - XF-85 - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/128703.html
HAPPY HUNGRY HIPPO'S! - http://www.strangefunkidz.com/content/item/129147.html
ROLLER COASTER FUN - WHO'S AFRAID? - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/129154.html
STRANGE LIGHTNING STRIKE - WOW! - http://www.strangedangers.com/content/item/129157.html
RED BULL AIR RACES - ZIPPING THRU THE PYLONS! - http://www.strangesports.com/content/item/129161.html
BICYCLE LOCKED UP - REALLY LOCKED UP! - http://www.strangevehicles.com/content/item/129162.html
STRANGE OLDE PICTURE - NURSE'S ANATOMY CLASS! - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/129164.html
STRANGE CIRCUS FREAKS - BIG, TALL AND SHORT! - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/129165.html
STRANGE SWIMMING PICTURE - WIERD WATER FLOW - http://www.strangesports.com/content/item/129166.html
STRANGE "TIGER" CART RACING! - http://www.strangezoo.com/content/item/129167.html
STRANGE LITTLE CRITTERS - SHHHH - DON'T LISTEN! - http://www.strangedangers.com/content/item/129168.html
STRANGE RECLINING BICYCLE - SORT OF - http://www.strangefunkidz.com/content/item/129169.html
STRANGE FOREIGN POLICE CAR - http://www.strangepolice.com/content/item/129171.html
WHAT'S REALLY HAPPENING INSIDE A WOMANS BRAIN! - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/129172.html
STRANGE HAIRCUT! - AMAZING! - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/129175.html
STRANGE FUN "WATERBALLS" - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/129176.html
STRANGE MUG SHOT - HAIR IS TOO BIG! - http://www.strangepolitics.com/content/item/129177.html
STRANGE CROP CIRCLES - http://www.strangedangers.com/content/item/129178.html
The Top News Articles & Humor for the Week
Two Women Get DUI's . . . For Pushing A Broken-Down Car! - http://www.strangemilitary.com/content/item/129182.html
The Entire Cost Of An Adult Life: $2.93 Million - http://www.strangecelebrities.com/content/item/129183.html
Strange and Stupid Laws in the United States - http://www.strangezoo.com/content/item/126007.html
When Insults Had Class... - http://www.strangedangers.com/content/item/124558.html
Worst Things You Can Say to a Traffic Cop - http://www.strangevehicles.com/content/item/124519.html
Strange Deaths - The FBI's Top 12 List - http://www.strangedangers.com/content/item/122560.html
What Happens to Your Body if you Stop Smoking Right now? - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/120181.html
Be Sure to Check Out All of the Recent New Additions at the "Strange" Family Websites
Travel - Cruises - Destinations - http://www.strangetravel.com/
Kids - Teens - Moms - Parents - http://www.strangefunkidz.com/
Bad Bosses - Employees - Ads - http://www.strangebusiness.com/
Cops - Police - Criminals - Felons - http://www.strangepolice.com/
Weird and Goofy People - http://www.strangepersons.com/
All Your Favorite Folks- http://www.strangecelebrities.com/
Autos - Trucks - Nasty Accidents http://www.strangevehicles.com/
Hockey - Football - Soccer http://www.strangesports.com/
Troops - Jets - Warships - Tanks http://www.strangemilitary.com/
Pets - Dogs - Cats - Wild Animals http://www.strangezoo.com/
Politicians - Parodies - Liberals - NeoCons http://www.strangepolitics.com/
Hurricanes - Lightning – Tsunami's - Dangers - Crashes http://www.strangedangers.com/
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