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Are you ready to review the Best Humor, Coolest Pix and Political Parody on the Internet?
Get ready to jump into something "Strange!"
Strange Quotes - Things You Shouldn't Do.....
"Don't carry a grudge. While you're carrying the grudge, the other guy's out dancing." - Buddy Hackett
"Don't get mad. Don't get even. Just get elected, then get even." - James Carville
"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got." - Janis Joplin
"Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity." - Nick Diamos
"Never believe in mirrors or newspapers." - Tom Stoppard
"Never drink black coffee at lunch; it will keep you awake all afternoon." - Jilly Cooper
"Never purchase beauty products in a hardware store." - Miss Piggy
Today's Featured Humor : -) - - You May Be From Canada If…
You're not offended by the term, "Homo Milk."
You understand the phrase, "Could you pass me a serviette, I just dropped my poutine, on the chesterfield."
You eat chocolate bars, not candy bars.
You drink pop, not soda.
You know what a Mickey and 2-4 mean.
You don't care about the fuss with Cuba. It's a cheap place to go for your holidays, with good cigars.
You know that a pike is a type of fish, not part of a highway.
You drive on a highway, not a freeway.
You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.
You know that Casey and Finnegan were not part of a Celtic musical group.
You get excited whenever an American television show mentions Canada.
You brag to Americans that: Shania Twain, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion and many more are Canadians.
You know that the C.E.O. of American Airlines is a Canadian!
You know what a touque is.
You design your Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
You know that the last letter of the English alphabet is always pronounced "Zed" not "Zee".
Your local newspaper covers the national news on two pages, but requires six pages for hockey.
You know that the four seasons mean: almost winter, winter, still winter, and roadwork.
You know that when it's 25 degrees outside, it's a warm day.
You understand the Labatt Blue commercials.
You know how to pronounce and spell "Saskatchewan." (Sas-Kat-chew-wan)
You perk up when you hear the theme song from "Hockey Night in Canada."
You were in grade 12, not the 12th grade.
"Eh?" is a very important part of your vocabulary and more polite than, "Huh?"
You actually understand these jokes and forward them to all of your Canadian friends! Then you send them to your American friends just to confuse them...further.
Most Popular - Parody - News - Pix
RARE RED PANDA - aka FIRE FOX - 6 - http://www.strangefunkidz.com/content/item/126904.html
OUT-OF-CONTROL WRECKING BALL LANDS IN CAR TRUNK, 3 POEPLE INJURED - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/127635.html
LET'S GO SWIMMING! - JUMP FROM THE CASTLE WALL! - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/127215.html
STRANGE SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMERS - STRANGE FACES! - http://www.strangesports.com/content/item/127249.html
STRANGE IGUANA CRAWLING ON A GIRL - KISS ME! - http://www.strangezoo.com/content/item/127271.html
STRANGE 'VIRTUAL' COMPUTER SLAP IN THE FACE! - http://www.strangedangers.com/content/item/127279.html
STRANGE 'GLASS' SEE THRU REFRIGERATOR - JAPAN - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/127293.html
TINY ANT CARRIES LARGE SPIDER! - http://www.strangedangers.com/content/item/127413.html
STRANGE FARM TRACTOR - CUSTOM PAINT JOB! - http://www.strangevehicles.com/content/item/127422.html
B-52 AND CREW - ALL STANDING ON TOP OF THE WING! - http://www.strangemilitary.com/content/item/127426.html
STRANGE URBAN "CAR" TENT - YOUR OWN PRIVATE PARKING SPOT! - http://www.strangepolice.com/content/item/127427.html
HAVING YOUR LUGGAGE SHOW UP AT THE AIRPORT - LAS VEGAS GAMBLE! - http://www.strangepolitics.com/content/item/127432.html
CANADIAN POLICE - ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTIES (C-1900) - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/127433.html
THE CATS IN THE HOOD - STREET GANG! - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/127443.html
STRANGE MOTORCYCLE - HALF COVERED! - http://www.strangevehicles.com/content/item/127487.html
STRANGE 'DUAL' TORNADO FUNNELS! - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/127498.html
URGENT BULLETIN - BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR THE 'BIN' BROTHERS - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/127499.html
STRANGE 'SHARK FIN' THREE WHEELER! - http://www.strangepersons.com/content/item/127519.html
The Featured Pix Category This Week - SM - WORLD WAR II - TANKS - AIRPLANES & SHIPS - WW I - EQUIPMENT - MISC.
The Top News Articles & Humor for the Week
Loss of 2 Staples Could Free 2 Who Raped and Murdered Girl - http://www.strangecelebrities.com/content/item/127631.html
Strange Facts About the 1500s - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/21845.html
Strange Town Names Around the World - http://www.strangezoo.com/content/item/22010.html
19 Things That It Took Me 50 Years to Learn - http://www.strangebusiness.com/content/item/23262.html
Things You Wouldn't Know Without the Movies" - http://www.strangetravel.com/content/item/23364.html
Politically Correct Ways To Say Someone's Stupid - http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/23875.html
The Featured New Category This Week - SM - WORLD WAR II - TANKS - AIRPLANES & SHIPS - WW I - EQUIPMENT - MISC.
Be Sure to Check Out All of the Recent New Additions at the "Strange" Family Websites
Travel - Cruises - Destinations - http://www.strangetravel.com/
Kids - Teens - Moms - Parents - http://www.strangefunkidz.com/
Bad Bosses - Employees - Ads - http://www.strangebusiness.com/
Cops - Police - Criminals - Felons - http://www.strangepolice.com/
Weird and Goofy People - http://www.strangepersons.com/
All Your Favorite Folks- http://www.strangecelebrities.com/
Autos - Trucks - Nasty Accidents http://www.strangevehicles.com/
Hockey - Football - Soccer http://www.strangesports.com/
Troops - Jets - Warships - Tanks http://www.strangemilitary.com/
Pets - Dogs - Cats - Wild Animals http://www.strangezoo.com/
Politicians - Parodies - Liberals - NeoCons http://www.strangepolitics.com/
Hurricanes - Lightning – Tsunami's - Dangers - Crashes http://www.strangedangers.com/
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